HiFlyer Wrestling Club Contacts


John Thorn, HiFlyer Principal Contact 

13703 47th St. NE, St. Michael, MN 55376

Work Phone  952-476-3745  Home:  763-497-8018

E-mail: john.thorn@rbcdain.com

Pat Zilverberg President 763-473-9798 pdzz@ecoisp.com
Mike Litch, Treasurer  mlitch@litchfiancial.com
Dayton Reardan Webmaster, Officials Stuff 952-474-9628 Dayton@Reardan.org
Mark Poikonen Director 952-955-1407 poik@charter.net
Jerry & Peggy Cox Equipment and Apparel 952-476-6554 MINNCHIK@aol.com & jcox@ttnlearning.com


If you have comments or suggestions, email me at Dayton@Reardan.org